Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Happy 5th anniversary! These 5 years certainly flew by . . . how much things have changed since we were married: living with roommates to a teeny apartment, from a duplex to our own home, with our own mortgage. We've had losses, we've had additions (Hi, Luke!), we've had jobs we've loved, we've had jobs we've hated, we've gone to school, we've graduated from school, we've gone back to school, but through it all, we've had each other: for better or worse, its been us. I love you more every day and can't believe how blessed I am to spend my life with you. You make me laugh every day and sometimes, I even make you laugh. (those are the really good days) And you're stuck with me.

Here's to another 5 years! And 5 more after that . . .

1 comment:

  1. Love your wedding pics-so pretty! Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!
