Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Father's Day

We were able to fit everyone in on Father's Day this year, which was awesome. We had breakfast with my parents (yummy breakfast!) and were able to take Luke to swimming as well. After his nap, we went and visited Todd's family up in Dublin.

Dinner was awesome - yummy Mexican food that my ever-so-picky son refused to eat. (I swear, I'm being punished for my picky-ness as a child . . .) But wow, once that cake came out . . . no complaining, sitting up nice and straight, using lovely manners and holding his fork properly.

Here is the conversation we had:

L: Wow! Mommy! Mommy cake please Mommy cake please! (hops up on chair)

M: (no response. mentally debating options.)

L: Mommy! Mommy! Cake, Mommy! Cake here please Mommy!

M: (decides on being lame, responsible Mommy instead of cool, fun Mommy) No Luke, you didn't eat your dinner. We can't have cake without dinner.

L: (see photo)

Mommy is subsequently glared at by Daddy for being lame and mean. Caves to demands of 2.5 year old due to holiday/celebration and avoidance of major issues in front of witnesses.

M: Okay, Luke, you can have cake.

L: Thank you Mommy Thank you Mommy for cake Mommy.

Luke out-chocolates himself, a rare occurrence, and cannot finish said cake. Mommy enjoys delicious homemade lemon meringue pie without being assaulted by said 2.5 year old.

Luke enjoyed the maracas. Mostly he just enjoys everyone gushing over how adorable he is. I get that.

Family Picture Time:

Luke was so funny, just put his arm around cousin Matt and gave a big ol' goofy grin.

With his great-grandparents. What a lucky little boy!

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