Monday, May 10, 2010

Sony is my favorite!

While in San Diego over spring break (yup - I'm still working on getting these pictures posted!) we had to visit Grandma at work at Sony. This was our first visit to Grandma's new building at Sony and it was beautiful! I would kill for that cafeteria. And then the outside eating area? The view? Jealous!

Luke likes to dine "al fresco."

Aren't they cute!

One of the most entertaining moments was when Luke wanted to play with his visitor name tag (which he had to wear) and so I stuck it on his back between his shoulder blades. He forgot about it and just ran around. Another family was visiting and had a little boy, Luke's age. They were both running around on the patio/deck area and we saw that the other 2 year old had a visitor tag on as well . . . right on his back. Between his shoulder blades.

I have to say, I had a moment with that other mom - we made eye-contact and laughed. I don't get those moments often, being a working mom, having other mom friends with sweet, quiet girls. I will never see that moment again, but we had a moment where we understood what had to be done with crazy boys.

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