Tuesday, March 9, 2010


That's right.
Two. Sallys.

Our pediatrician advised us while Luke was still young, to invest in at least two 'lovies' - whenever we found out what he attached himself to. The first attachment was to "Buddy" the caterpillar (rest his soul) as Luke could suck on his antenna without having to hold him. Buddy was lost (rest his soul) and we learned our lesson when I couldn't find another Buddy.

When we discovered how much Luke loved Sally, we bought a few more. 3, in fact: 1 for home, 1 for the car and 1 for daycare. Later, when we attempted to introduce a new Sally (and a "used" Sally) after the 3 were getting . . . icky, it was not received well. So, we've been hanging with rotating the two we have and hoping that they don't completely fall apart.

So during the moving chaos, Luke ended up with both Sallys. He wouldn't give either up, so he was perfectly content with both Sallys.

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