Monday, March 22, 2010

Sick sick sick. Bleh.

A few weeks ago, we all were hit with the GERMS. The whole family has a pretty decent immune system due to two teachers and day care (Super Immunity!!) so we stay pretty healthy. Unfortunately, when the Germies come, they really come.

The weekend before, I started going downhill on Saturday; then Todd joined me feeling blech-y on Sunday. Poor Luke - I'm glad he's so independent. He really kept himself entertained as Todd and I were sprawled out on the couch all day. We still felt bleh on Monday, but Todd stayed home and I went to work. By Wednesday, Luke had come down with what I had, so by Thursday, I stayed home with him.

Of course, Luke loves loves loves sick days. Mommy or Daddy stays home, no rushing out the door at some awful hour, getting to stay in our jammies all day. (Quite frankly, I don't mind sick days either!) And he gets to watch tv - just to keep him calm and not running around like a crazy kid.

So he will lay down for short periods of time to watch tv and he loves to get bundled up in a blanket. Apparently we always ask if he's "toasty" after bundling up because he now just says "Ooh! Toasty!"

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