Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cutie cutie

So I have pictures to follow of Luke enjoying the beautiful spring weather, but I thought I'd toss in an ancedote out there to fill up the space.

Picking up Luke from daycare is always an experience - he's very emotional, whether he's thrilled to see me and bouncing off the walls, or sobbing hysterically because he has to leave his friends. Yesterday, he was really just silly and loopy and I couldn't get him to stay still long enough to get his shoes on.

One of his friends was leaving at the same time, daughter of a fellow teacher and 3 months (to the day!) older than Luke. We told them to hug each other goodbye, which they promptly did. It really is adorable to watch two-year-olds hug. After the hug, Luke grabbed her by the face and planted a big ol' kiss square on her mouth. Ker-pow! She didn't even know what hit her. :)

And that, is my cute 2 year old story of the day. Which is good to remember because he was an awful pill for the rest of the day.

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