Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday!!

Luke had a wonderful second birthday surrounded by his friends and family. Grammie Linda and Auntie G were able to travel up from San Diego to visit for a few days as well. Of course, due to our current obsession, it was all Cars, all the time. I found Luke an adorable Cars auto mechanic shirt to wear and he looked adorable. I was a proud mommy. :)

Because we had just moved, we really kept everything simple - simple food, simple decorations, simple everything. I did, of course, get my cake from Not Just Cheesecakes and we're still eating it. It's a freakin' lot of cake. And two weeks later, it still tastes fresh and amazing.

The kids loved the train table and the drum set. All the parents were happy that they could leave the drum set behind.

Grandpa and Great Grandpa

Great Great Aunt Doris, Great Grandma and Great Auntie Nancy

Uncle Brent and Auntie Sam

The Great Gift Giving Extravaganza. (or . . . How much Cars merchandise is out there?)

Yes, that is a super cool gift box in the shape of a car. I know - way cool. Thanks Miss Theresa!!

Luke's friend Stinky thought that the best way to play with his new cars was to quietly sneak them away. Then hide them. Under her skirt.

It was about the funniest thing I had ever seen. On Luke's first birthday, she was his first kiss. Apparently, this year, she knows all he's really good for is a sweet muscle car.

Poor Chu. If you're trying to get Luke's attention, I'm sorry to report, it's going to be rough. Unfortunately, you do not have four wheels and an engine.

Great Aunt Doris rockin' it out.

After the party, Luke truly enjoyed playing with his new cars on his new Cars rug, vrooming all of them around on the streets.

It was a wonderful day - Luke actually ate at his birthday (unlike last year) and napped after the party (unlike last year). It was a fantastic opportunity for our family and friends to see our new home and a good goal for us to clean and get everything ready for the party.

Happy birthday little pie!

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