Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Little Deet

There it is. Two years old.

When you were born Little Pie, I could have never imagined in a million years making it past three months, much less get to two years. Two years? It was impossible. It would never come.

But yet, January 31, 2010 arrived, so did the arrival of Luke becoming two. Growing up, my mother always spent the morning telling me my "birthday story." Every mother has them: the anecdotes about the birth of your child that are sweet and funny and make you tear up when you remember them. I never imagined having my own stories, I was always the gracious recipient.

So I will happily pass on the tradition - asking everyone such questions like: "Do you remember what we talked about 2 years ago at this time?" and "Do you remember what had just happened 2 years ago at this time?"

And I will now regal anyone who actually reads this with my own personal "birthday stories" as they are truly my favorite part of any birthday celebration.

* Last Meal:
I was scheduled to go in to be induced at 8:30 am, so I wasn't to eat anything that morning. Because the hospital was all filled up, I was told to come in at noon, and eat something light. On the way to the hospital, I was starving, so I dug in my purse and found an old bag of honey roasted peanuts from our flight a month before. I happily ate them. Little did I know, that was my last meal for a good long time.

* Godzilla:
I have never seen anyone's eyes bug out as much as I did when I saw Todd's face after I told the anesthesiologist how much I weighed. YIKES.

* Newbie:
I put on makeup before going to the hospital. I must have been insane. I must have been pregnant for the first time. Instead of being smart and taking adorable (yet enormous) pictures before labor, I took a million awful, make-up streaked pictures after the labor.

* Addictions:
I was so glad that Luke was born at 7:16 am. Why such a great time? Because it was just before breakfast was served and I love love love breakfast. I would often eat double breakfasts when I was pregnant.

* I'm Good, Thanks:
My mother asking if I wanted to see the placenta. No, I'm good, thanks. So she took a picture, and left it in a stack of other sweet, post-labor, horror-film make up pictures. Here - let me show all my friends the charming pictures of: Luke, me and Luke, Luke, me and Todd and my placenta. I'm good, thanks.

*Little Accordion:
From the very beginning, after Luke stopped screaming like a banshee, he began to . . . whistle. Or wheeze? He just sounded like an accordion. Wheezing, whistling and all. I miss those sounds, when I think about them. Mostly he just screams. Or laughs a big belly laugh. If I'm going to replace the accordion with something, a big belly laugh is an acceptable alternative.

Today was Luke's 2nd birthday party as well. Without a doubt, it was a complete "Cars" extravaganza. Those pictures will be coming along shortly. I know there are pictures that I missed that others will have with them - so I'll wait a bit.

Happy birthday, Boy of a Million Nicknames. Happy birthday little deet, little toot, my pie, my little love.


  1. your post made me cry, I am going to claim it was the pregnancy, but really it is the reminder of how fast time goes and how quickly our little ones grow up. Happy Birthday Luke!

  2. I love the birth story! You are hilarious friend!
