Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Visiting Kacie

At the end of August, we drove down to San Diego to visit Grammie Linda. On our way down, we stopped off in LA to visit the Karchem clan and see their new addition Calvin, and of course, Luke's friend Kacie. He loved pushing her around in her little car, not so much driving it, he's more of a 'pusher.'

And when we told Luke to give Kacie a hug and a kiss, she would have nothing to do with that. But it was SO cute!

Of course, to end any visit anywhere, Luke was running (shocking), tripped on nothing and fell. Right on his head. Right on the cement. Oh the screaming. Oh the bruising. Those pictures to follow. But it was all very 'Luke' in all of his 'Luke-ness.'

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