Saturday, May 23, 2009

Berryessa Art and Wine Festival

We were invited along by the girls to go to the Berryessa Art and Wine Festival which was a lot of fun! Of course, Luke likes to be surrounded by his ladies and this was right up his alley. He does really well saying "cheese" for pictures, but does get disappointed when there is no cheese promptly presented to him.

Since he was done being in the stroller, I let him run around for a while, which usually results in a lot of chasing and crying, as he cannot run everywhere he wants to run. But there is a simple solution: "the swing!" Grab that kid by the hands and swing him all around - works like magic everytime.

*Thanks Lindy for the great photos!

1 comment:

  1. I just can't believe how big he's getting! Dude, he's half your height already it looks like, and he's not even 2! I love the hat, he looks like such a little adventurer in it.
