Monday, February 2, 2009

Christmas Time is (was) Here . . .

Happiness and cheer
Fun for all,
that children call
their favorite time of year . . .

Luke loved his first Christmas. I really enjoyed that Luke was almost a year old by the time Christmas rolled around. He was totally into having all the family around, though not necessarily the gifts. He placated me for about 5 minutes before he was off and running to do something else. Of course, Luke is always off and running to do something else.

Except Grammie Linda's rocking horse (Ted). As Luke is now too big for the swing, too heavy for the doorway jumper and way over the Excersaucer, containment was getting difficult. Along comes Ted to save the day. And now, Ted has become a verb. "Can you Ted him for me?" "We should clean - Ted him." or "I'll be right back, I'm Ted-ding Luke." Thanks Grammie!

Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa gave Luke a pair of PJ's with a personalized butt-flap. I'll admit it, it's absolutely adorable. And that is completely bias-free. Luke running around with "Luke" emblazened on his tooshie was about the cutest thing I could imagine.

We were able to spend Christmas Eve with the Bickel clan and Christmas Day with the Rosbrugh clan. It was wonderful not to have to rush around on Christmas, but really have the chance to spend time relaxing. And really, traveling with a baby is a pain.

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