Saturday, November 29, 2008

Giving Thanks

It was wonderful to spend time with the Bickel/Wire/Castillo clan for Thanksgiving this year. Luke, as always, love to "work the room," making sure all eyes were on him. He loves to laugh and nothing gives him more happiness to see others laughing. Now that Luke is walking around and clapping, everyone around him is always laughing. It was wonderful to see Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma having so much fun with him.

Generations together.

Thanksgiving time is also Great Grandpa's birthday. Luke loves wrapping paper and tissue paper, so he was thrilled to have a birthday party too!

Great-Grandma's Thanksgiving dinner for Luke - he loved it! He loved the turkey and the stuffing. And of course, Uncle Joe's sweet potatoes. The brown sugar made them especially delicious!

Daddy gave a few bites of Cool Whip as a desert - such a spoiled boy!

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